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Research Article Open Access

A Survey on Different Graphical Password Authentication Techniques


Nowadays, user authentication is an important topic in the field of information security. To enforce security of information, passwords were introduced. Text based password is a popular authentication method used from ancient times. However text based passwords are prone to various attacks such as dictionary attacks, guessing attacks, brute force attacks, social engineering attacks etc. Numerous graphical password schemes have been proposed so far as it improves password usability and security. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the existing graphical password techniques. We can categorize these techniques into four: recognition-based, pure recall-based, cued-recall based and hybrid approaches. Here we analyze the strengths and drawbacks of each method. This survey will be particularly useful for researchers who are interested in developing new graphical password algorithms as well as industry practitioners who are interested in deploying graphical password techniques.

Saranya Ramanan, Bindhu J S

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