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The advances in technologies have led the power capacity of the renewable energy system to grow. It can be a problem to integrate the renewable energy sources to the conventional grid in terms of the stability, voltage regulation and power quality issues. The output power, voltage and frequency of the wind turbine depend on the wind speed, which fluctuate over time and cannot be forecasted accurately. A variable-speed turbine also allows the grid voltage to be controlled. As disadvantages, variable speed wind turbines need a power converter that increases the component count and make the control more complex. It is expected that current developments in gearless energy transmission with powerelectronic grid interface will lead to a new generation of quiet, efficient, and economical wind turbines. Also propose an isolated universal link AC-AC power converter suitable for grid connection. The proposed power converter does not need to employ the large interface inductor at input side and the huge electrolytic capacitor at DC lin. it utilizes high-frequency transformers for the galvanic isolation instead of bulky line-frequency transformers. The input and output phase voltage, current on the power mode and regeneration operations are analyzed using the simulation results.

Suresh.D, Jaiganesh.K, Duraiswamy.K

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