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Research Article Open Access

An Alternative Technique to Perform Surgeriesin Hospital by Surgical Diathermy


The present paper describes howElectrosurgeon performing surgeries using electrosurgical unit or surgical diathermy machines are routinely exposed to surgical smoke, plume and aerosols produced by instruments used to dissect tissue and provide haemostasis. The safety of the patient and its importance during surgeries are well recognized however less emphasis is placed upon the safety of the surgeon and his/her team. Use of Electro-surgical techniques has expanded greatly in recent years, depending on the nature of the surgical site and the length of the procedure; operation staffs are exposed to smoke for periods ranging from a minute or so, repeated infrequently, to several hours a day. This review discusses the adverse effects of surgical smoke and cautious the surgeons against the risks involved during such surgeries.

S.S.Shende, P.B.Dahikar, MJ.Hedau, K.Y. Rokde

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