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Research Article Open Access

An Intelligent Tracking System Based on GSM and GPS Using Smartphones


In automobile field, the security and theft prevention are one of the main areas in current scenario. The security goals are achieved by the GSM, GPS technology. But it is commonly used the four wheeler and not in the two wheeler. Using these technologies, we can only track and monitor the vehicle. Previously, GPS is used to get the vehicle current position of the two wheelers and that data will be send to the user mobile phone through the GSM. In this system, we implement for theft prevention in two wheeler using GSM, GPS and Android technology. We can track, monitor and stop the stolen two wheelers too by this system. The two wheeler position is obtained by the GPS module, which is send to the microcontroller, which then sends the message to the user smart phone through the GSM module. In this implementation we use Atmel microcontroller, air solenoid and water solenoid valves are interfaced with GSM modem and GPS module which will be fixed in the two wheeler. User can stop the two wheeler when the vehicle under theft by android application.

Vigneshwaran.K , Sumithra.S, Janani.R