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Research Article Open Access

Analysis of Fruits by Image Processing Algorithms


Detection of damages in fruits is important in agriculture products processing because a very small number of injured fruits can cause rottenness infected by microbes and spread the infection to the whole batch and thus causing great economic loss and it also affects further storage and sale. manual sorting of fruits and vegetables is only carried out at many places. This type of manual sorting will not be accurate in real time processing. The detection accuracies are also greatly affected by many factors such as time, bruise type, bruise severity, fruit variety, and fruit pre- and post harvest conditions.Manual sorting has many disadvantages as it requires plenty of labours to investigate it results in low productivity and grading standard is difficult to carry out. Hence the manual sorting is replaced by Machine Vision (MV) system using Vision Box hardware with the advantages of high precision and high automatization which is designed by using image processing algorithms.

Chinnaraj Velappan, K. Subbulakshmi.