ISSN: 2320-0189

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Review Article Open Access

Approach Phytoecological of Pistacia atlantica Desf. in the Saharan Atlas (Region of Bechar, Algeria)


This work focuses on the study group to phytoecological Pistacia atlantica Desf in order to assess the ecological conditions of adaptation in pre-Saharan region of the Saharan Atlas Bechar. The Pistachio of the Atlas is a rustic and xerophytes tree, well suited to pre-Saharan climate and can play an important role in forestry, ecological and socio-economic. The methodology includes a device consisting of a series of transects distributed in different topographic units in the study area. The phytoecological statements are prepared every 200m depending on the variability of vegetation and ecological conditions. An analysis of the vegetation on 25 floristic surveys resulted in a floristic and ecological characterization of groups of Atlas Pistachio (scattered population in general) in the region. Thus, this analysis led to the identification of vegetation associated with Pistachio. This species can live in very dry places pre-Saharan climate between 700 to 1200 m where rainfall rarely exceeds 100 mm/year. Floristic diversity of the group in Pistacia atlantica is very special because of its biological characterization, systematic and phytogeographical. The study highlights the importance of Saharan - endemic species with a more favorable adaptation and resistance in typical Saharan bioclimatic.

Benaradj Abdelkrima, Boucherit Hafidhab, Hasnaoui Okkachac and Bouazza Mohamedd

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