e-ISSN: 2321-6190 p-ISSN: 2347-2294

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Research Article Open Access

Atmospheric Changes on the Activity of African Elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) in the Farming Area of Mount Cameroon National Park, Southwest Region, Cameroon


The atmospheric condition is very important to wildlife management and conservation since the animal location and survival are mainly determined by this factor. Extreme atmospheric condition such as temperature for example has caused the migration of huge population of elephants and other wildlife species to areas with moderate temperature ranges. This study was aimed at determining the influence of some atmospheric conditions on the activity of African elephants in mount Cameroon national park. Data collection was done for four months within the national park area. Hence, the atmospheric conditions such as sunshine, rainfall, and cloud were taken into consideration alongside the activities of the elephants in crop-farms. The study showed a significance of atmospheric conditions, X2=85.49 df=4 P=0.000, X2=47.17 df=8 P=<0.05, and X2=12.57 df=8 P<0.05 on the elephant-conflict villages, crop-farm, and farm destruction level respectively. More so, atmospheric factors revealed a significance, r=0.104 P<0.05, X2=166.78 df=4 P=0.000, and X2=10.61 df=2 P=0.005 on farm destruction level, photo-period, and elephant habitats respectively. Additionally, the atmosphere recorded a significance, X2=5.17 df=4 P<0.05, X=10.97 df=4 P<0.05 and X2=58.51 df=10 P=0.000 on landscape, elephant trails and crop destruction proximity to human homes respectively. Crop-farms of distance >100 meters 28%, 10 m-20m 19% , recorded the highest activity rate compared to other farming distances from human homes. However, the destructive crop-feeding and foraging activities of elephants were more observed during the sunny atmosphere. Among the three atmospheric conditions considered in this study, elephant activity was highest on the moderate sunshine 45%, followed by cloud 36%, and then rainfall 15% respectively. The study revealed that the moderate sunshine in Mount Cameroon national park is conducive to a smooth elephant activity, especially feeding and foraging that elephants spend most of their daily time budget on. The sunny atmosphere in mount Cameroon national park has been a key driving force to the feeding and foraging activities of elephants in the area. Unfortunately, this period coincides with crop-farming activities of subsistence farmers who depend on farm-crops for feeding and income generation to support family welfare. Farming is a survival strategy to the inhabitants of this area; hence, elephant crop-raiding needs a national mitigation attention.

Melle Ekane Maurice1*, Tadida Elvis Chembonui1, Fominka Tajoacha Nestor1, Agbor James Ayamba1, Kamah Pascal Bumtu1, Esther Eyong Mbi Arrabi2, Che Scholastica Nchang2, Aganya Benedatte Eyama2, Tashe Vanesa Nwah2

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