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Research Article Open Access

Base of the Networking Protocol – TCP/IP Its Design and Security Aspects


TCP/IP is very much important alayered protocol in the networking. Each layer builds upon thelayer below it, adding new functionality.The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and InternetProtocol (IP) are the two most important communicationprotocols used in computer networking from its evaluation and keeping its importance increasing till date. In this paper wedescribe the evolution and the basic functionality of theTCP\IP protocol suit and all the three basic protocols TCP, IP, UDP used for basic networking functions. In this article we try to provide a brief knowledge of the origin and evolution of TCPand IP, as well as their structure, operational properties andheader format. In spite of usefulness of this very much important networking protocol there are many vulnerabilities and corresponding attacks have been identified targeting TCP/IP protocol suite. The attackincludesIP spoofing attacks, denial of service attacks, DNS Spoofing, Connection hijacking, etc. The Design flaws of TCP/IP can be mitigated by applying some layers of security mechanism in a network.The usefulness of this protocol suitegive rise to various tools have been designed to analyze and identify the presence of such vulnerabilities of exploitation in TCP/IP suite. Some of the defense mechanism of attacks against TCP/IP suite are like firewalls, encryption techniques, intrusion detection systems, protocol analyzers,sniffers and vulnerability scanners,etc are also discussed.

Shreya Gangane, Prof. Vinit Kakade

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