ISSN: 2320-0189

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Research Article Open Access

Biology, pretreatment and genetic development of Miscanthus sinensis, a biomass crop with great potential in China


Climate changes and energy crisis accelerate the exploration on traditional energy production and new alternative energy sources. Biofuels are important because they could replace petroleum fuels. With high yield production, wide distribution and dramatically high tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress, Miscanthus sinensis was considered as one of the most potential energy plants in China. As a relatively new biomass plant, its background knowledge in physiological, pretreatment and genetic investigation is scarce. This review aimed at physiological and characteristics description, as well as pretreatment for ethanol production and genetic improvement of M. sinensis. The achievements of genomic and epigenomic research programs in other plants are of great help to better understand the nature of this promising biomass crop species in China. Meanwhile further researches on deconstruction enzymes, genetics and breeding would accelerate the application of M. sinensis, with higher yield, better quality, and wider adaption.

Jiangyan Yu, Jing Zhang, Miao He Chunjie Fu, Eviatar Nevo, Junhua Peng

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