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Research Article Open Access

Challenges & Countermeasures in Optical Noninvasive Blood Glucose Detection


This paper describes the critical and necessary points required for the design and development of the noninvasive blood glucose monitoring device. The lifestyle quality of the Diabetic patients will improve with the noninvasive technology due to its tight monitoring over the fluctuations in higher or lower blood glucose levels. Noninvasive blood glucose detecting techniques will provide increased patient compliance with pain free, low cost blood glucose monitoring. Optically based noninvasive techniques have brought improvement in this area. Various noninvasive methods have been emerged for noninvasive blood glucose detections, present paper describes their methods, significance and limits. All these technologies are based on the selectivity of the analytical information, instrumental signal to noise ratios, specific properties of the measurement sites and instrumental efficacy for the blood glucose specific signal acquisitions.

Md Koushik Chowdhury, Anuj Srivastava, Dr.Neeraj Sharma , Dr.Shiru Sharma

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