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Research Article Open Access

Comparative Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks


Routing is a significant issue and challenge in ad hoc networks. Many Routing protocols have been proposed so far to improve the routing performance and reliability.This research paper describes the characteristics of ad hoc routing Protocols Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), Destination- Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) based on the performance metrics like packet delivery fraction, Average delay, Normalized Routing load, Throughput and Jitter under low mobility and low traffic network as well as under high mobility and high traffic network. Results show that AODV has maximum throughput under low traffic and DSDV has maximum throughput under high traffic. As network becomes dense DSDV performwell in terms of Throughput than AODV and TORA. TORA performs well in dense networks in terms of packet delivery fraction but at the same time Normalized Routing load of TORA is maximum among all the protocols in both the networks. DSDV has least Normalized Routing load in both low and high traffic.

Shivakumara S Sasanura, Prof. B Sreenivas

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