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Research Article Open Access

Comparative Study between PID-controller and Fuzzy Logic Controller of a Novel Flyback Converter


In this paper, proportional–integral–derivative (PID)-based Fly-back converter and fuzzy-type controllers are compared for 220V A.C input and 440 D.C output flyback converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM).Design of fuzzy controllers is based on heuristic knowledge of converter behavior, and tuning requires some expertise to minimize unproductive trial and error. The design of PID control is based on the frequency response of the converter. For the flyback converter, the performance of the fuzzy controller was superior in some respects to that of the PID controllers. The fuzzy controller was able to achieve faster transient response in most tests, had a more stable steady-state response, and was more robust under some operating conditions. MATLAB/Simulink software is used for implementation and simulation results show the performance variations.

Subhrajyoti Modak, Goutam Kumar Panda, Pradip Kumar Saha