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Research Article Open Access

Comparing the Apical Micro-Leakage Caused by Various Endodontic Sealers in the Presence and Absence of Moisture


Introduction: Drying of the canals before endodontic obturation is still up for debate despite the existence of hydrophilic sealers. This investigation compared the apical micro-leakage of the sealers Adseal, RealSeal SybroEndo (SE), EndoSeal Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Tubli-Seal in both dry and moist root canals.

Materials and methods: On 90 maxillary canines that had been excised, an experimental study was conducted. The canals were prepared using rotary files. Under both dry and moist root canal conditions, root canals were filled with a single gutta percha cone using one of the four sealers (15 teeth in each group). Except for the positive control group, all root surfaces were painted with oil paint and orifices were sealed with adhesive wax. Teeth were put in methylene blue and then sliced longitudinally after ten days at 100% humidity. By using a stereomicroscope, blue colour permeability was determined in micrometres. Using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) V.18 software, data were analyzed using the t-test, Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA), and Scheffe post hoc test at P=0.05.

Results: In the dry groups, the mean apical micro-leakage was considerably reduced (P=0.001). In Adseal and Zinc Oxide Eugenol (ZOE) respectively, there was a minimum and maximum amount of micro leakage. Between dry and damp conditions, EndoSeal MTA did not show a significant difference in apical micro leakage (P>0.05). The RealSeal SE groups had considerably more apical micro-leakage (P=0.001).

Conclusion: In dry conditions, Adseal offered the least apical micro-leakage, whereas in moist conditions, Tubli-Seal had the maximum micro-leakage. Regardless of wetness, EndoSeal MTA provided a reliable apical closure.

Prashanth Kumar Katta *

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