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Special Issue Article Open Access

Data Access Control in Cloud Using Attribute Based Revocation Algorithm


Cloud computing as an emerging technology allows the user to store the data and information in the third party cloud such that users can use the services of the cloud on-demand. For small and medium level industries, budget is a major constraint. Thus while data is present in third party data centers, data confidentiality and integrity is a major concern. Many researches tried to achieve security in the cloud by using various algorithms. Traditionally to secure our data stored in the third party data center, encryption and decryption mechanisms are used. Here we mainly concentrate on business cloud where various organizations store their data about their business plans in the cloud. In this paper, we use an attribute based revocation algorithm in which it provides a secure access to data in the cloud. The user of an organization can be able to access the particular set of information present in the cloud. This technique also uses revocation list which contains the set of users associated with specific projects such that those privileged users can only be able to access the information. Moreover, the overhead caused due to storage and encryption techniques are eradicated and independent to the number of users. We have analyzed the security of our algorithm and also the efficiency.

Karthikeyan.C, Vignesh.R

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