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This paper provide the principles of Modified Distributed Arithmetic, and introduce it into the FIR filters design, and then presents a 31-order FIR low-pass filter using Modified Distributed Arithmetic, which save considerable MAC blocks to decrease the circuit scale, meanwhile, divided LUT method is used to decrease the required memory units and pipeline structure is also used to increase the system speed. The implementation of FIR filters on FPGA based on traditional method costs considerable hardware resources, which goes against the decrease of circuit scale and the increase of system speed. It is very well known that the FIR filter consists of Delay elements, Multipliers and Adders. Because of usage of Multipliers in our design gives rise to 2 demerits that are (i) Increase in Area and (ii) Increase in the Delay which ultimately results in low performance (Less speed). A new design and implementation of FIR filters using Modified Distributed Arithmetic is provided in this paper to solve this problem. Modified Distributed Arithmetic structure is used to increase the recourse usage while pipeline structure is also used to increase the system speed. In addition, the divided LUT method is also used to decrease the required memory units. Modified Distributed Arithmetic can save considerable hardware resources through using LUT to take the place of MAC units. The simulation results indicate that FIR filters using Modified Distributed Arithmetic can work stable with high speed and can save almost less than 50 percent hardware recourses to decrease the circuit scale, and can be applied to a variety of areas for its great flexibility and high reliability. The main abstract of this paper design a FIR filter according to Modified Distributed Arithmetic, we can make a Look-Up-Table (LUT) to conserve the MAC values and callout the values according to the input data. Therefore, LUT can be created to take the place of MAC units so as to save the hardware resources.

Shrikant Patel

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