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Special Issue Article Open Access

Design of High Gain Microstrip Antenna for THz Wireless Communication


The current space aviation demands high data rate wireless communication which leads to the exploration of an unallocated frequency spectrum viz. the terahertz spectrum spanning from a frequency range of 300GHz to 30THz. The problems of limited bandwidth and spectrum scarcity can also be resolved due to the use of these frequencies. The recent breakthrough in semiconductor technology has resulted in development of terahertz devices which amplified the interest of scientists in exploring terahertz region. High atmospheric attenuation and high free space path loss of THz waves acted as limiting factors for using THz waves for communication. But application of THz waves for space communication will not be affected as it is atmosphere free and free space path loss can be reduced by using high gain antenna. In this paper a high gain microstrip patch antenna has been designed using photonic band gap structure. The designed THz antenna proved to be advantageous for wireless space applications. The designed THz antenna provides a gain of 14.2 dB and a directivity of 14.54 dBi.

Bhavani Danana, Balamati Choudhury, R M Jha