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Research Article Open Access

Development of GSM and GPS based Cost Effective Telematics Module


The ability of a vehicle tracking system to track vehicles is useful in many applications including security of personal vehicles, public transportation systems, fleet management and others. Furthermore, there is a rapid increase on number of vehicles on the road globally. Therefore, the development of Telematics module using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modem is undertaken with the aim of enabling users to locate their vehicles with ease and in a convenient manner. The system will provide the users with the ability to track vehicle remotely through the mobile network. This paper describes the development of the Telematics module hardware prototype. Especially, the system will utilize GPS to obtain a vehicle's coordinate and transmit it using GSM modem to the user's mobile number through the mobile network. The proposed system will also be able identify the accident by means of the range of vibration. The main hardware components of the system areL80- M39 GPS receiver module, SIM900A GSM module, LDT0-028K vibration sensor, RF Transmitter and Receiver and Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. The developed telematics module demonstrates the feasibility of near real-time tracking of vehicles and improved customizability, global operability and cost when compared to existing solutions.

P.Raji, S.Ashok