ISSN: 2320-0189

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Research Article Open Access

Effects of Amistar and Dithane M-45, a systemic fungicide, on Growth Parameters and antioxidative enzymes of Maize (Zea mays L.).


Fungicides are used to protect the most common Seeds of various fungal diseases. The use of fungicide, whether beneficial or Harmful for the growth of crops is an issue for a long time. So the present study was aimed at evaluation of the effect of Amistar and Dithane M-45fungicides on various growth parameters and antioxidative enzymes of Maize seedlings. The parameters studied were germination percentage, root length, shoot length, vigor index, fresh weight, dry weight and viability percentage. Five different concentrations of fungicide were used, including recommended dose of fungicide. In all the concentrations studied there was an increase in the percentage of germination, root length, and the length of the shoot, and the signal strength indicator, fresh weight and the proportion of feasibility and a decrease in dry weight. In each lesson concentrations there was an increase In the percentage of germination, root length, and the length of the shoot, and the signal strength indicator, fresh weight and the proportion of feasibility and a decrease in dry weight. The results after treatment with Amistar and Dithane M-45 show increased levels of antioxidative enzymes in Maize roots. Activities of catalase, Superoxide dismutase, thioredoxin reductase ascorbate-peroxydase and guaiacol-peroxydase increased proportionally and were more meaningful at high concentrations (75 and 100 ppm). It was concluded from this study that there is an increase in the water holding capacity of the seedlings in the presence of fungi in the recommended dose but a higher dose than recommended could prove harmful for the growth of the seedlings.

Aisha Mohammed Homod Alrajhi

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