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Special Issue Article Open Access

Encrypted Query Processing Based Log Management of the Cloud for Improved Protection of Confidentiality


Logging is an important part in central service computing systems. It provides the foundation for accountability and audit services in systems and for other accessory services While logging services are provided a traditional computing systems is relatively smooth process, where it turns to be an intricate process. A log record contains the track of events which was occurring within an organization’s systems and networks. Logs include log entries, where each entry contains information that are related to a specific event that had occurred within systems . Logs are primarily used for troubleshooting problems, but logs contain many functions within most organizations, such as optimizing system and network performance, recording the actions of users, and providing data useful for investigating malicious activity. The privacy of the log is concerned with the current implementation which allows access to log records that are indirectly identified by upload-tag values. The proposed system includes a practical homomorphic encryption schemes that will allow encryption of log records in such a way that the logging cloud can execute some queries on the encrypted logs without breaching confidentiality or privacy. It reduces the communication overhead between a log monitor and the logging cloud to the most such that to the answer required to the queries on logs.

Sinu P S , M.Ananthi

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