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Special Issue Article Open Access

Enhanced Data Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks


Low-power wireless sensor networks square measure associate degree exciting analysis direction in sensing and pervasive computing. previous security work in this space has targeted totally on denial of communication at the routing or medium access management levels. This paper explores resource depletion attacks at the routing protocol layer, that for good disable networks by quickly exhausting nodes’ battery power. These “Vampire” attacks are specific to any specific protocol, however rather place confidence in the properties of the many common categories of routing protocols. we discover that all examined protocols square measure inclined to lama attacks, that square measure devastating, tough to observe, and square measure straightforward to carry out victimization as few united malicious business executive causing solely protocol- compliant messages. In the worst case, a single lama will increase network-wide energy usage by an element of O(N*N ), wherever N in the variety of network nodes. we have a tendency to discuss strategies and trajectory to mitigate these forms of attacks, together with a replacement proof-of-concept protocol that demonstrably bounds the injury caused by Vampires throughout the packet forwarding section.

Karthick.S, Senthil Kumar.V

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