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Much of the research has been focused on developing the optimization techniques, varying from classical to non traditional soft computing techniques, to solve the distribution system planning problem. Most of the methods preserve the distinctions and niceties, but dependent on complex search algorithm with a lot of convergence related issues that require more time to reach a firm conclusion at planning stage. This paper proposes a simple direct solution that significantly reduces the inherent difficulties of finding the solution and ensures optimum solution at the same time. Moreover, the concept of optimality is effectively used to make the proposed technique more computationally efficient and useful. The effectiveness of the developed planning technique has been verified with different test cases. The motivation behind the work is to reduce the complexities associated with The methodology of distribution system planning without compromising the optimality of the Solution. Therefore, a comprehensive approach of radial distribution planning has been developed involving all the associated parameters and possible constraints

Narasimhulu , T Sikindar babu , M Shiva kumar

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