ISSN: 2320-0189

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Research Article Open Access

Folk Herbal Medicines Used By the Tribalsinsatlasana Forest Area, Mehsana District, Gujarat, India


The Aravalli ranges run along the North Gujarat is the ancient region of India, inhibited by tribals living in close vicinity of enriched forest. The present paper contains various folk uses of 36 plant species used by the tribals for their day-to day requirement. The paper includes the first hand information collected through tribal informants, medicinemen and tribal people of several villages during the field trips in the region for last three years in different seasons.These medicinal plants are used by the local community in curing different disease and health related problems.In conclusion, the medicinal species require special attention to conserve and documentation of their medicinal uses for local people and future commercial production

Suresh Patel, Prashantkumar Desai and Vinodkumar Pandey

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