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Research Article Open Access

Four Stroke Diesel Engine’s Surface Ignition using Ethanol


The aim of this study to find strategies for using more water added with ethanol in diesel engines. To accomplish the goal, experiment investigations are conducted using a single cylinder diesel engine equipped with glow plug on the combustion chamber in the cylinder head. The performance and emission characteristics are studied and compare with base engine. This concept was effective not only in decreasing smoke density and fuel consumption but also in increasing engine output. The modification of the engine is carried out in such way that a pre combustion chamber is designed in the engine head with a provision for glow plug is made on the pre combustion chamber. Ethanol is a bio-based renewable and oxygenated fuel, thereby providing potential to reduce the PM emission in diesel engine and to provide reduction in life cycle of CO2. This leads to reduce the ozone depletion there are several studies which report improvement in the engine performance and emission by using ethanol fuels. This motivated us to use ethanol as sole fuel in diesel engine. Even lot of researches completed in the area of ethanol as alternative fuel, commercialization of this fuel is not achieved in the India automobile scenario. It is mainly because of installing the refilling station and the problem encountered in the engine while ethanol is used as a fuel. The problem such a starting trouble Aldehyde emission coming out from the engine and the stringent norms followed by the government for the use of ethanol. Our project aims to overcome these problems and recommend the possible solutions.


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