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Research Article Open Access

Health Monitoring Systems for Antiquated Peoples-A Survey


Health monitoring is the practical application of safety monitors to a complicated system in order to ensure either prediction of a potential mishap before it occurs, or detection of a mishap as it occurs.. The aging people in the contemporary society have brought great pressure and many seniors have been living alone without anyone accompanied because their offspring are busy with work and have to struggle with severe competition. For those seniors who live independently in their own homes, there is an increasing risk of falls and strokes which could threaten their lives. A lot of money and research effort has been spent on making people aware of the warning signs. In this paper we accumulated some of health monitoring systems already proposed and the process going on. Here we concentrate on what is physical age and medical age definition and its uses, the drawbacks of previous system and comparison, how we can provide efficient health monitoring system for medically aged people by using wearable sensors in Wireless sensor network.

Pandimurugan , Mathavi parvathi , Dr.Paul rodrigues

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