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The power demand in our country is increased so that there is a consistent power cut in our region. This is because of high power consumption by factories and also due to less availability of nonrenewable energy resources. So it is a known fact that the application of hybrid energy system based rural remote area electrification will offer a quick, economic and reliable answer to the rural household’s need for power especially, for those of light duty appliances. This Solar-wind energy system can considerably result in reducing 20-50% of our power requirement in our home. A renewable hybrid energy system consists of two or more energy sources, a power conditioning equipment, a controller a n d an optional energy storage system. These hybrid energy systems are becoming popular in remote area power generation applications due to advancements in renewable energy technologies and substantial rise in prices of petroleum products. In this research will combine photovoltaic and wind to make hybrid system. The wind energy systems may not be technically viable at all sites because of low wind speeds and being more unpredictable than solar energy. The combined utilization of these renewable energy sources are therefore becoming increasingly attractive and are being widely used as alternative of oil-produced energy. Index Terms- Solar energy, Wind Turbine (savonius turbine) and Design of solar and wind

R.Beula, S. Sashan

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