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Research Article Open Access

Improved Writing Capabilities Using LMS


Writing has undergone a paradigm shift from the humble pen, pencil and paper to keyboard and computer. Tactile keyboards that input texts are being replaced with touch-enabled glass screens. Writing styles too are witnessing dramatic changes from long essays with flowery language to shorter descriptions supplemented with graphical emoticons. Socially too, writing is seen as an authoritative means of communication with blogs, social networking sites and websites. This research focuses on a sample 30 tertiary learners sourced from 900 candidates. A questionnaire was used to collect data which included a set of standardized questions and information about demographics, opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. The target group was administered with a LMS (Learning Management System) that focused on improving their writing capabilities. The results were computed using SPSS. There was a marked increase in learning objectives as is relevant from the statements of participants. The experiment was conducted by the research scholar as part of his doctoral research.

Premanand Edward Malyakkal

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