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Research Article Open Access

Improving Ad Hoc Network Behaviour Using Clustering T echnique with NS2


A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a network in which data are transmitted from the sender to the receiver without the need for any infrastructure. In this network, the connected nodes may be in the form of laptops, mobile phones, personal digital assistant (PDA), and so on, and any node can work as a router that receives and sends packets [1]. In an ad hoc network, the delay of route traffic can be minimized by the clustering technique, and network performance as well as data transfer control can be improved by the selection of the routing protocol type [2]. This study investigates the effect of using the clustering technique in ad hoc networks and how this technique can increase resource savings and decrease time delay. It also describes clustering, cluster structure, cluster linking type, and the different types of clustering algorithms used in cluster head selection and their effects on MANETs. In addition, this study analyzes the performance of MANETs to show the effect of using cluster on the performance of ad hoc networks, so that a cluster-based routing protocol (CBRP) were used which is considered one of the clustering routing protocols . The CBRP is compared with other types of routing protocols, such as AODV, DSR, and DSDV, none of which uses the clustering technique. The conclusion and analysis of the results are discussed to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using clustering in MANETs.

GhaidaaMuttasher Abdulsahib, Norrozila Sulaiman, Osamah Ibrahem Khalaf,

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