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Special Issue Article Open Access

Intelligent network stabilization of dynamical systems using topological condition


Stabilizing a linear system over a wireless network using a simple intelligent-network computation method. Specifically, using architecture called the “Wireless Control Network” (WCN), where each wireless node maintains a state, and periodically updates it as a linear combination of neigh boring plant outputs and node states. This architecture has previously low computational overhead and beneficial scheduling and compositionality properties. Using some characterize fundamental topological conditions to allow stabilization using such a scheme. This, WCN scheme causes the network to act as a linear dynamical system, and analyze the coupling between the plant’s dynamics and the dynamics of the network. That stabilizing control inputs can be computed intelligent-network if the vertex connectivity network is larger than the geometric multiplicity of any unstable eigen value of the plant. This Min-cut condition required in classical information dissemination problems. Topological conditions also using in wired(or point- to -point) network that employs network coding in a communication mechanism between the plant’s sensors and decentralized controllers at the actuators.

A.Evangelin, P.Sathiyaseelan

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