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Research Article Open Access

Micro Data Handling for nm Range Semiconductor Device Using High Resolution ADC


In VLSI technology devices are fabricated using semiconductor materials like Si, GaAs have been scaled down in nm range. For these devices there is a need to monitor the voltage in μV range. The proposed work aims at measuring voltage and data logging application with real time facility. This will help to understand the characteristics of nm range devices. The work will also focus on nm sensors and devices testing. The proposed work will use Resistive method. This method is a linear and accurate for measuring current. In this resister is inserted in series with the current path and the voltage drop across it measured. We can determine the voltage by applying Ohms law. Design contains very high precise (Σ-Δ) ADC with very good conversion speed. Microcontroller based μV data logging real time system will be cost effective for such application with its limitations. Design includes the facility of memory card for data storage.

Meenal M Ratnparkhi, Minakshee M Patil