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Special Issue Article Open Access

Mitigating Superfluous Flooding of Control Packets MANET


Reactive routing protocols such as AODV, DSR etc. are used in MANET. Usually, these protocols flood the network with “RREQs” and “Hello” messages for route establishment and local-link connectivity respectively. Unnecessary “Hello” messages can drain resources available in the node while mobile devices are not in use. Shortest path metric of route selection causes the path with minimum hop count to be selected ignoring the energy level of nodes in the path. Continues forwarding of packets for other nodes in the path lessens the nodes’ energy and make the node to end up in a dead state. The proposed approach suppresses unnecessary “Hello” messages by dynamically updating the hello interval of a node based on its routing activity. The flooding of RREQ for path discovery is constrained over the energy level of the neighbours. Finally, the performance analysis of the proposed technique is validated through NS2 simulations.

B.Shanmugha Priya

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