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Research Article Open Access

Mobility Aware QoS Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing


The usage of mobile phones in current scenarios is in increasing rate. Common people use mobile phones such as iphones, Smart phones, Apple iPad, etc to access internet services. Today‟s the emerging growth in mobile applications along with cloud computing concepts; Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has been introduced as a potential technology for mobile services. MCC is an integration of cloud computing in the mobile environment, which improves the overall performance of the mobile devices such as battery life, storage, etc. MCC still faces a number of challenges in both mobile and computing side, one of which is providing Quality-of-Service (QoS), which means how a service provider can ensure QoS of its cloud services. The provision of QoS in mobile cloud computing is a challenging task. This is because of the dynamic characteristic of mobile networks and limited resources of mobile devices such as bandwidth, delay, packet loss ratio, battery life, storage capacity, computational power, security, etc. To overcome this problem, Mobility Aware QoS Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing (MAQFMCC) and Mobility Aware QoS Analysis Algorithm (MAQAA) are implemented in addition to this an Artificial Neural Network is used for modelling the framework.

A.Sheik Ali, Dr.K.Baskaran

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