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Monitoring Of Electromagnetic Radiation for Cellular Base Stations Using Arm Processor


The novelties are presented in this paper a real-time monitoring systems is monitoring the continuous exposure of electromagnetic radiations that are radiated by cellular base stations antennas and also mobile units and other RF sources of radiation levels. Monitoring and comparing with FCC and also ICNIRP levels are prescribed for general public. An EM Radiation Measurement is conducted at one of the near cellular base station and also measured different base stations. The functioning of then Embedded Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring System (EERMS) device is to receive the multiple cellular base stations towers signals and detect for each cellular base stations towers transmitted power levels are monitored. This system also compares with the federal communication committee given standards and displays the particular area of the electromagnetic radiation levels for total cumulative cellular base stations towers radiated electromagnetic signal are measured and monitored. Once the FCC levels are exceeded, the electromagnetic radiation levels are crossed the FCC given standards then the particular cellular base station power and timings are automatically stores. In any area According to IEEE standard the safe power density is 2 w /m2 when we want to establish new cellular base stations in that particular area. We have to take all parameters for electromagnetic radiation levels to be established. The maximum to provide limited electromagnetic radiation levels and protecting for dangerous health rescues are reducing as my consent this device is to monitoring the near field and also far fields for free space of electromagnetic signal are received. In this paper, signal strength of base stations (1908 MHz) has been measured in a region were measured and recorded (-30dbm) and equivalent total power 1.8 w/m2.

Venkatesulu, Dr S. Varadarajan, Dr M.N.Giri Prasad3 P.Venkata ramana

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