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Research Article Open Access

Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drives Using Reversing Voltage Topology


In this paper, a novel topology called Reversing Voltage is implemented to improve multilevel performance by compensating the disadvantages in neutral point- clamped (NPC), flying capacitors (capacitor clamped), cascaded H-bridge (multi-cell) topologies. This new power converter topology requires fewer components compared to available multi-level inverters (especially in higher-levels) and requires less carrier signals for PWM implementation. Also, it requires less number of switches which reduces the number of gate drive circuits. Therefore, the overall cost and complexity are greatly reduced particularly for higher output voltage levels. The simulation is to be done for 1-phase five level inverter for R-L, 1-phase Induction Motor loads and 3-phase five level inverter for 3-phase Induction Motor load and also Seven level inverter is to be simulated for resistive and inductive loads. The simulation for the above topology is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.

P.Himabindu, S.Mallikarjunaiah

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