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Special Issue Article Open Access

New Methodology to Mitigate the Effects of Pulsed Loads in Microgrid Systems


Microgrid power systems are becoming increasingly common in a large number of applications. In this paper, the mitigation of the adverse effects of pulsed power loads on the microgrid systemsis considered. In microgrid power systems, pulsed loads are particularly problematic since the total system inertia is finite. Examples include ships and aircraft with high power radars, pulsed weapons, and electromagnetic launch and recovery systems. In these systems, energy is collected from the system over a finite time period, locally stored, and then rapidly utilized. Herein, a new strategy, Profile Based Control, to accommodate these loads is presented. This strategy is based on identifying the optimal charging profile. Also, later onwards, this new strategy is combined with load coordination. And it is found that current waveform is more smoothened and the output power is improved from 2489W to 3712W.

Neethu P Uday, Annie P Oommen, Neena Mani

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