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Research Article Open Access

Online Data Migration between Heterogeneous Cloud Storages


Today, There are many applications such as search engine clusters, video-on-demand servers, sensor networks and grid computing whose data stores on storage server. A storage server typically consists of set of storage devices. In such a system migration of data from one cloud storage to another requires a lot of effort as each and every server runs on different protocol. Most of the previous results on data migration assume that each storage node can perform one data transfer at a time. A storage node can typically transfer multiple data and it can reduce the total migration time significantly. Moreover, Storage devices heterogeneous capability increases as its demand increases. Here we consider the heterogeneous data migration problem, so an intermediate protocol must be required which may integrate the protocols of one server to another server. The proposed work shows that how can data migrate between two cloud storages, which may be heterogeneous or homogeneous, using an intermediate technology WCF (Windows Communication Foundation).

Parvinder Kaur, Manish Mahajan

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