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Research Article Open Access

OTP Encryption Techniques in Mobiles for Authentication and Transaction Security


The improvement and advancement in technology makes the modern day smart phones and PDAs moresophisticated .It has drastically changed the way in which we perform our m-banking transactions. When a client initiates a bank transaction, he is provided with an OTP which is sent to his registeredmobile number via SMS. The client sends back the OTP within a short period to complete the transaction. The OTP SMS is generated by the bank server and is handed over to the client’s mobile operator. To avoid any possible attacks like phishing, man-in-themiddle attack, malware Trojans, the OTP must be secured. In order to provide a reliable and secure mode of online transactions without any compromise to convenience, a reliable m-banking authentication scheme that combines the secret PIN with encryption of the one-time password (OTP) has been developed in this paper. The secret PIN known only between the client and the bank is used for encrypting the OTP. After the encrypted OTP SMS reaches the client’s mobile, the PIN is used again used for decrypting. The plain OTP text should be sent back to the bank will verified at the server to complete the transaction initiated. The combination of PIN with OTP provides authentication and security. The proposed scheme provides security even if any disputes arise due any possible attacks like internet hacking or mobile thefts.

Dr.AnanthiShesashaayee, D. Sumathy

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