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The aim of our study is to find by means of compute simulations the pair of a receiver and a set of the spreading codes able to provide the best BER performance under the mentioned conditions. The simulation results shows that the maximum improvement of the MC-CDMA. This project is to investigate the MUD scheme, and realize a fully functional system in software for developing an algorithm for the detection of multi-users in CDMA system by using a noisy gradient approach. Several techniques are under consideration for the next generation of digital mobile systems, with the aim of improving cell capacity, multi path immunity and flexibilities. These include CDMA and OFDMA. Both these techniques could be applied to providing a fixed wireless system for rural areas. However, each technique as different properties, making it more suited for specific applications and this technique is implemented by MATLAB.

Pavani Sumala, R.Prasanth , R.A.S.Bharadwaj , Shaik Azeez,V.Nancharaiah

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