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Research Article Open Access

Performance of Cellular Multicast using the Mobile Ad- hoc Networks


To overcome the limitations of cellular networks, cellular networks integrated with the ad hoc networks. The basic idea is to allow the cellular receivers experiencing poor channel conditions to use the ad hoc network to connect to those cellular receivers that are experiencing good cellular channel conditions. Base station manages multiple groups, whereas hybrid networks can be used when ad hoc networks cannot accommodate all the groups and base station has to select a subset of groups to maximizing bandwidth savings and utilization of the ad hoc networks. We proposed the group selection problem is formulated as a multidimensional knapsack problem, and an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation and a polynomial- time dynamic algorithms. Simulation studies demonstrate that the dynamic algorithm is able to achieve very good performance under various conditions than the ILP approach. ILP always gives optimal solutions, but it becomes time consuming for large groups and high capacities. The dynamic algorithm wins by distinguishing between good and bad groups using the utility function. It selects groups which consume less bandwidth or larger groups to optimize the objective function. We have to implement the distributed dynamic algorithm in real systems and checking the feasibility and performance of this approach.

D. B. Jagannadha Rao, Durgadevi Sathi

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