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Research Article Open Access

Periocular and Iris Feature Encoding - A Survey


With the fast development of video hardware and software in recent years, intelligent video systems have been widely used in industry, transportation, security, etc. at the same time, a lot of biometric technologies, comprising automated methods for uniquely recognizing people based on their physical or behavioural traits, such as face, fingerprint, palm print, finger-knuckle-print, gait, are also based on video or image analysis. Iris recognition is emerging as one of the important methods of biometrics-based identification systems. Several crucial factors Gait Keystroke pattern Signature of iris biometrics include rich and unique textures, non-invasiveness, and stability of iris pattern throughout the person’s lifetime, public acceptance, and availability of user friendly capturing devices. These factors have attracted the researchers to work in this evolving field over the past decade. The iris recognition consists of iris localization, normalization, encoding and comparison. In this paper, segmentation of periocular features and the encoding part of iris recognition is analysed.

Vibha S Rao, P Ramesh Naidu

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