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Research Article Open Access

Physical Security for Mobile Devices Using Novel Application Lockbox


The pervasive use of wireless networks and mobile devices has been changing our living style significantly. Along with great convenience and efficiency, there are new challenges in protecting sensitive and/or private data carried in these devices. The most challenging part lies in a dilemma: while it should be computationally infeasible for adversaries to decrypt the data. The security requirements for mobile devices are inherently different from stationary Mobility exposes them to different threat environments and excludes them from relying on external physical security. Productive application from enterprise, government, and military will invariably deal with sensitive data. A risk management and security framework is needed to protect applications and data on mobile devices when they are lost. We propose annovalapplication lockbox concept that compartmentalizes mobile devices at the application level. It is a practical approach that improves the security of mobile devices without requiring significant changes in the current mobile technology.In this paper we have created application such as lockbox in this we can store Sensitive data such as ATM PIN, password for online transaction etc.this information will in encrypted form on mobile device we can decrypt it on mobile but encryption and decryption keys will store on server. To open application longitude and latitude parameters parameter should match.All these parameters act as the policy decision point.Here we are providing physical security to mobile devices like pc, because of mobility now a days mobile devices work like pc,it is easy to handle in crowded area so physical security for mobile device is must. If mobile is lostwe can protect the data in mobile from adversaries[8].

Prof. PrashantJawade, Mrs. Suwarna S. Thakre

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