ISSN: 2320-0189

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Editorial Open Access

Phytopathology/Genes & Diseases in Plants


The most of the human population on earth depends on vegetables and cereals. The continuous growing human population needs a food security. Food security will only be achieved by managing our crop from pests, pathogens, environmental damage and proper storage. The devastating effect of crop pathogens have showed us many world famines like Irish famine, Bengal famine in past. The research on plant disease management is one of the most important topics in botanical sciences. Phytopathology is an area of plant biology where plant interacts with various kinds of biotic and abiotic stresses. These interactions are governed by environmental factors and leading to disease symptoms. The study of interactions of plant-pathogens is continuously going on and we can find a number of publications based on morphological studies. There is an urgent need on the indepth study of plant diseases including molecular and genetic approaches. To understand the mechanism of pathogenesis we should look to investigate the signalling between plant and pathogens at biochemical and molecular basis. The host expresses pathogenesis related proteins (PR proteins) in form defence molecules. The role of certain PR proteins is still under speculations. The plant pathogen resistant genes need to be explored by conversional plant breeding as well as applying modern biotechnological tools. The external environment of host plays a major role for the establishment of plant disease. There are several abiotic or environment stresses which do not favour for the optimum growth of plant. We also promote the research on the molecular pathways involved in interaction of plant with abiotic stresses.

Surendra K Gond

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