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Research Article Open Access

Prediction of Lung Cancer based on VOC analysis of Exhaled Breath


Lung cancer causes 1.4 million deaths per year worldwide. Lung cancer is usually diagnosed at advanced stage which is not curable. The lung cancer can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage. The current diagnostic methods like Computed Tomography, Biopsy are invasive and expansive. The Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) present in the exhaled breath acts as biomarker of lung cancer. The VOC’s are produced as result of metabolism of cells present in the lungs. The measurement of VOCs in exhaled breath will provide a noninvasive technique for assessing lung pathology, and some of which are associated with Lung Cancer. The VOC’s can be analyzed using gas sensors. Here an array of gas sensor consisting of six sensors capable of detecting VOC is used to analyze the exhaled breath of human for the prediction of possibility of lung cancer.

Kirubakaran.B, Raghupathy.U.S

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