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Research Article Open Access

Prepaid Energy Meter with GSM Technology


This paper presents the design and modelling of a GSM-based Energy Recharge System for prepaid Metering.The present system of energy billing in India is error prone and also time and labour consuming. Errors getintroduced at every stage of energy billing like errors with electro-mechanical meters, human errors, processing errors. The aim of the project is to minimize the error by introducing a new system of Prepaid Energy Metering using GSM. The GSM module provides a mode of communication between the user/ and provider. This will enable the user to recharge his/her electricity account from home. We can easily implement many add-ons such as energy demand prediction, real time dynamic tariff as a function of demand and supply and so on.

JaychandUpadhyay, Namita Devadiga, Alrina D’mello, Glenie Fernandes

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