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Research Article Open Access

Proposed Smart Power Supply (SPS) Algorithm for Spacecraft System: The CBSS Eagle UAV as a case study


The design of the power systems of most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) often comprise of a unilateral power server. The source is mostly a chemical energy that serves all the energy demand for the spacecraft. This energy goes a long way in determining the flight duration of the vehicle. The performance of such spacecraft could be improved with the introduction of alternating power server(s) in the system's design such as solar power server or source. In this work, we propose a Smart Power Supply (SPS) algorithm which can schedule and manage the services of these power servers on-board the UAV. This algorithm probes the energy integrity of these servers before making any scheduling decision on the server with highest quality of service parameter. The SPS algorithm was designed using MATLAB Graphic User Interface Development Environment showing different input parameters for the servers and the performance output. This algorithm is scalable and can be deployed in the design and construction of other similar systems like the astronautic vehicles.

NE Ezechi,OL Daniyan, N Aliyu, C Justus, D Nwagbara

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