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Research Article Open Access

PV Array Fed SEPIC and MCSPWM Based RV Inverter Topology for Single Phase Induction Motor


This paper presents a simulation Modelling of SEPIC converter and MCSPWM based RV topology for single phase induction motor using solar energy as a source. The large numbers of drives used for commercial, industrial, residential and utility application are induction motor drive. To run such kind of load energy is required as an input source but due to energy crises solar energy is used as an input energy. To run induction motor with PV source DC-DC converter and inverter is used as an interface circuit. For efficient utilization of solar power SEPIC converter with the P &O MPPT controller is used. The boosted output from SEPIC converter use as an input for inverter. The inverter converts the DC input voltage to AC output voltage for the induction motor. To minimize the harmonic from the inverter output voltage, various types of MCSPWM techniques use to generate the firing pulse for the switches of the inverter. In this paper comparative analysis of Cascaded H bridge inverters and RV topology is also presented for the induction motor. The simulation work of these SEPIC converter and RV inverter fed induction motor circuits have been done using SIMULINK and MATLAB software.

Anupama Gupta, Shimi S.L