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Special Issue Article Open Access

Query Services in Cost Efficient Cloud Using Query Analysis


Cloud Architecture makes trends in the IT Industries in order to provide a cost efficient environment. This makes the environment so faster data transaction and secured also. This project is entirely based on cost efficient cloud environment. This majorly happens in IT industries, for creating queries the developer takes too long time. This is because still SQL works on dos prompt mode. And there is no IDE – Integrated development environment. SQL Server response for one user at one time while generating code. The basic fundamental issues are Privacy – Efficiency - Analysis - Cost reduction. In this paper a scheme, termed as data retrieval for ranked query (DRQ), and based on an aggregation and distribution layer (ADL), to reduce querying overhead incurred on the cloud. So that in DRQ, queries are classified into multiple ranks, for that data acquisition will done in a higher ranked queries. Here the user can retrieve files on demand by choosing queries of dissimilar ranks. This feature is useful when there are a large number of matched files, but the user only needs a small subgroup of them. This scheme describes a SQL-compiler and a query generator which can be access through query aggregation methods. This compiler can translate the query language of SQL to the programming language. Two options are provided for the programmer using the SQL-compiler. SQL statements can both be embedded in SQL online code generator and compiled together alone with the compiled query at run time when the query is evaluated in the cloud server. The implementation of this application can be made through 3 tier architecture design. It includes data layer, Business layer and Application layer in the cloud architecture.

VanthanaPriya.J, ArunKumar.B

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