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Research Article Open Access

Removal of Noise from EEG Signals Using Cascaded Filter - Wavelet Transforms Method


EEG, or Electroencephalogram is a device used to analyse the activities of the brain when it is performing any task. EEG signal helps us to know about the brain functions and its activities and hence are helpful in the diagnosis of the neurobiological disorders in it.EEG signals have very low amplitude and are measured from peak to peak having normally vary from 0.5 to 100 μV in amplitude, which is about 100 times lower than ECG signals and so various types of noise can easily effect it. EEG signals play an important role in detecting brain related diseases so it is important to denoise these signals for correct analysis and diagnosis. Wavelet Transformsare helpful in denoising these signals and making them noise free. In this worka filter is used along with Wavelet Transform for Denoising the EEG signals. Performance analysis of these methods for noise removal is done by measuring parameters like MSE and PSNR.

Priyanka Khatwani, Archana Tiwari

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