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Special Issue Article Open Access

Secure Cluster Formation And Certificate Revocation Of Adversary Nodes In Mobile Adhoc Network


Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are infrastructure less one where there is no architecture. There will be security concerns in MANET since it is an open environment. Certificate revocation scheme addresses a lot of security issues in MANETs. It follows a technique of revoking the certificate of the nodes that are considered to be malicious. Once the certificate is revoked, the node is free and can’t take part in any of the communications in the network. In order to enhance the security the threshold based mechanisms are used in the cluster to vindicate warned nodes from the legitimate nodes. In this paper we are building on the certificate revocation scheme, to make the cluster secure by choosing the cluster head effectively. The security is being enhanced by the proper selection of cluster head using Fuzzy Relevance Degree. In a given cluster, the cluster head monitor their Cluster Members and watch for the accusations by means of node position or node verification algorithms. The proposed work is focusing on the selection of cluster head using Fuzzy Relevance Degree in a MANET by considering the parameters additional to the normal one. The parameters include the distance, the degree called FRD, the velocity by which the nodes are moving and the distance between them.

Ambarish.A, Gowthamani.R

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