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Research Article Open Access

Semantic Speech Annotation in the Ubiquitous Learning Environment


Skill based learning is adopted where the performance of the system is more important including accuracy. So job searchers in medical field based learning, computerized numerically controlled system look for people with high level skills. So that the overall performance of the job could be improved by means of reducing the error distribution across various level by training rigorously with appropriate skill levels. This helps in correcting mistakes and also to access the overall learning process with the better understanding to process this the voice recognition technique is to be used.Speech recognition, which is also referred to as speech to text or voice recognition, in which we recognizing speech as in the Natural Language Processing, and also allowing voice to serve as the "main interface between the human and the computer. This paper mainly focuses on the tools that are used to deliver how current speech recognition technology facilitates the learning part of the students, and also in what way the technology will be help to developing the advance learning system for future. The tools like speech to text conversion are to be discussed in this paper. Although speech recognition has a potential benefit for students with physical disabilities and harsh learning disabilities, these are the technology in which it has been implemented inconsistently in the classroom above the years. By means of this the knowledge continues to develop, on the other hand, various issues are being addressed.

R.Shanmugapriya, S.RajaMohammed

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