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Special Issue Article Open Access

Simple Algorithm for the Magnetic Field Computation in Bobbin Coil Arrangement


Many applications involve the generation of homogenous and controlled magnetic field such as spacecraft, magnetic resonance imaging, Bioelectromagnetics research and NDT. Coil design is the prime factor for magnetically controlled device. In the design of the coil, the computation of magnetic field is the important task and there are several methods exists to compute the magnetic flux distribution like analytical method and numerical method. Numerical methods are boundary element method and finite element methods. Those numerical methods depend on discretization of analyzing region and it is a time consuming process. On the other hand, analytical methods are used commonly for the computation of magnetic field due to its simplicity. The main objective of the paper is to obtain the analytical expression for the calculation of radial and axial magnetic field component created by an iron core solenoid and the bobbin coil arrangement. The analytical expressions to compute the magnetic field at off axis point for the coil wounded on ferromagnetic material and bobbin coil arrangement are obtained. The obtained analytical expressions are based on vector potential. FEMM 4.2 software is used for numerical analysis. The obtained analytical expressions are based on elliptic integrals and the results are calculated using MATLAB. Accuracy is investigated by comparing the analytical results with the simulation results.

V.Suresh, V.K.Gopperundevi, Dr.A.Abudhahir, R.Antonysamy, K.Muthukkutti

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